The dream was that it was impossible to reforest Mexican jungles with red macaws
today Grupo Xcaret has made it a reality
A dream was created and since 2012 it has been a reality thanks to the Xcaret Group, which since its inception has worked hard to conserve species and ecosystems. It has been in operation since 1993 program for the reproduction of Psitácidos under human care which involves two species: red macaw (Now macao cyanoptera) y green macaw (Ara militaris).
This program evolved in 2012 to the Conservation Program which aims to reintroduce the red macaw species (Now macao cyanoptera) to wildlife in Mexican jungles and contribute to the protection and recovery of their populations. For him, actions will be created from 6 important aspects:
You can read more about this here: Back Home: All About the Red Macaw Conservation Program at Xcaret
1.- Studies of places where to reintroduce the species
In collaboration with various institutions, see viable supervised sites for reintroduction and analyze the characteristics of the area such as: types of species living in the ecosystem, potential predators, availability of food and water. This does not allow the reintroduction site to be assessed, other than that suitable for the species.
2.- Analysis of the possible variations of species
He has worked in conjunction with various institutions such as the Institute of Biology at UNAM, especially with Dr. Patricia Escalante to perform a genetic mapping and detect if our specimens are viable for reintroduction into the Mexican jungles.
3.- Observation of communication and adaptability
In order for a specimen to survive in the wild, it must be bred by its parents or under human care, but in a non-invasive way, so that we can be sure that both specimens will be able to develop natural behaviors of their species and, above all, survive without. human help.
At this stage of the process it is extremely important that the species does not form a bond with humans so that it can feed on its own in high areas close to trees, forming pairs naturally and seen without any difficulty. These behaviors will help the species increase its chances of survival at reintroduction sites.
4.- Analysis of the state of health of the specimens
The Xcaret group has a preventive medicine program that helps ensure the health of the specimens, performing certain medical examinations in the same way as deworming internally and externally, reviews their body condition as weight and height and evaluates the their general state of nutrition. , all this is done within the process of caring for the specimens.
For the average of constant reviews of his state of health of this species does not allow to ensure that the reintroduction of the specimen has the necessary conditions to survive. Prior to the transfer of specimens, a thorough medical examination is performed and blood samples are taken to perform laboratory tests and to rule out diseases of the psittacidae.
5.- Transfer to reintroduction sites
Once the specimens have gone through the previous processes, the next step is reintroduction, where they are transferred to the previously analyzed site and after several months of adaptation, it is incorporated as their habitat in the wild.
6.- Monitoring
An important part of this project requires monitoring the location and flight of the specimens in order to, indirectly analyze their health status in turn, identify whether new pairs have formed and detect wildlife births. .
Committed to our goal despite the pandemic
Globally many of our activities stopped, but the care of our species is a priority, for him, during the contingency for SarsCOV-2 we continue with our conservation projects.
On May 28, 2022 16 red macaws were moved (Now macao cyanoptera) a Aluxes Ecoparque, A non-profit civil association based in Palenque, Chiapas. These specimens will be placed in a temporary shelter for adaptation and gradually become familiar with their environment which will be their new home. Within a few months, they will be reintroduced to their habitat in the jungles near Palenque.
From 1992 we started a new reproduction program and in 2012 the reintroduction actions. To date, 189 copies have been reintroduced in the Nanciyaga Ecological Reserve and other places in the state of Veracruz and today these 16 are added to the population of Aluxes Ecoparque with a total of 120. We have carried out a joint effort with these institutions a total of 309 specimens with a calculated survival of 77%so today about 240 macaws fly in the wild after many years of work and effort.
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