What are the problems in the ocean?


Learn 5 of the major causes of the ocean

Read the first part of this series of blogs: Meet and fall in love with the ocean: our main source of life

In the previous article (LEAGUE), we learn more about how the ocean is composed and we realize how important it is in our lives. The ocean is a helpless placemost of its waters are international, so there are no rules for its protection. It does not guarantee the safety of almost 45% of the ocean, several threats have been made, making this ecosystem short and long term. We have to open our eyes close to the problems the ocean faces today and they can cause irreversible misfortune if we have not taken action in time.

Ocean acidification

The main cause of this phenomenon is Excess carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, a gas known to cause a rise in temperature on the planet. Heartburn in the oceans is a disease that is occurring rapidly as Our oceans are absorbing more CO2 than they can emit.

We mentioned in the previous article that the absorption of this gas helps to have a balance on the planet. However, we are reaching a point where, in the place of the beneficiary, it is harming marine life. Approximately 30% of the CO2 produced by humans is absorbed by the ocean. With your hand down, you absorb about a million tons per hour. How does this absorption happen? Well, the wind mixes with the carbon dioxide on the surface and with the rhythm of the ocean currents it reaches the depths gradually warming up. For us on Earth, this process is good for reducing the effects of global warming, but at what cost? The ocean, even with its strong, wild appearance, can become very sensitive. Due to the above, there is a “slight” decrease in pH. This change, no matter how small, can have very damaging consequences because we are at the point where the balance of this body of water is very fragile. so, as the pH drops, the water becomes more acidic.

When you hear the word acid, what word comes to mind first? I guess it is, or so it is in my case, the word corrosive. Eat right the effect that acidification has on marine life. Animals with shells and carts are the first to suffer the effects, as their exoskeletons are corroded. Come on Corals are also associated with victims of ocean acidity.

Corals are usually hard because of their calcium carbonate coverage. Do you know what other hard material this compound has? The shells and shells, therefore, the coral has the same fate of corrosion, making it weaker is its formation. All these situations greatly affect the natural balance of the ocean and therefore our planet.


It is a reality that transportation across the ocean is one of the most important sources of transportation in the world. Whether for trade or tourism, about day navigate thousands of bars transporting all kinds of cargo through the motorways of the sea. As these routes increase the traffic of bars, in the same way that they do the levels of marine pollution.

Excessive use of shipping increases the chances of oil spills in the water. Although they are not very common, they are extremely damaging. Some of the most serious consequences of such spills are the suffocation of animals and plants by the layers of oil that also obstructed contact with light, preventing the very important photosynthesis. In the same way, thanks to the hydrocarbons malformations of marine young exist, poisoning of predators to consume prey with crude, besides the coastal landscape undergoes remarkable alterations. Over the years, the ocean has suffered several spills causing severe damage to the ocean.

On the other hand, a serious problem involving the bars it the collision between them and the marine animals. These shocks mostly cause serious injuries to sea creatures and in the worst case, their death. Due to these encounters between the bars, noise pollution has increased in the ocean, causing a disturbance between marine species such as whales, which use sound to communicate, feed and orient themselves evenly.

Solid waste

The video of the turtle and the straw man it made so much noise that now when you go to a restaurant they give you biodegradable straws or wonder before giving you any. Unfortunately, straw is not the only plastic that roams the ocean. Even when we are responsible for putting garbage in its place, the chances of it reaching the ocean are very high. thanks to the poor management of such waste or the action of winds and rains. Later, they reach rivers or other aquatic systems until they reach the city’s sewer system. Once there, its only way out is the sea, no matter how many rocks we are on some coast.

It is possible to have plastics opposite the ocean derived from shipping, however, 80% of the waste found in the sea province of Tierra. The main problem with plastic materials is the length of the composition, so the marine habitat is covered by the costs of the sea. Plastic debris can be found in all oceans, as it can spread easily. Similarly, plastics have been found in less imaginable places, such as trapped in Arctic ice or more than 10,000 meters deep in the oceans. All the plastics we see on the surface represent only 15% of the total found in the sea. Ocean currents transport and accumulate waste, resulting in five plastic islands around the world, one in the Indian Ocean, two in the Atlantic and two in the Pacific. In general, it has a high concentration of microplastics.

All these plastics take hundreds of years to degrade, clearly depending on the type of plastic, however, the main cause of their degradation is UV radiation from sunlight on the surface. The swell helps to speed up this process and therefore break the large pieces of plastic, turning them into micro plastics. Until the debris degrades, it affects approximately 700 marine species, since each year, more than 100,000 marine mammals fail due to plastics reaching the sea.


Unsustainable fishing has increased exponentially since the 1950s, with the explosion of ocean resources which has once again increased the effort to obtain the large VOLUME of catches needed. Not to complicate it, basic I mean there are currently fewer fish in the water to fish.

No ocean is exempt from overfishing. Well, there are some mouth-watering countries like Iceland, New Zealand and Alaska that have well-managed fishing activities. Therefore, the number of pieces available today, compared to hundreds of years ago, is minimal. This is because demand exceeds supply, there are too many boats in search of so few fish. In agreement with the Organization of National Food and Agriculture Trade Unions, approximately 92 million tonnes of fishing are caught worldwide each yearwith almost a third of the fisheries over hake and 60% exploited to the limit.

Fishing is an important factor in both the world economy and the livelihood of millions of people. Although it has this impact, the long-term sustainability of this resource is at risk, as it depends not only on the effective monitoring of fishing operations, but also on the determination of legal and verifiable activities. Illegal fishing weakens the conservation efforts of the fish population, limiting support for marine conservation. In addition to this unauthorized activity, it tarnishes the reputation of those fishermen who work responsibly and honestly in the oceans, respecting the balance of the world. Therefore, IUU fishing (illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing) threatens the deterioration of marine biodiversity along with the economic and food security of society.

The ocean is key to combating all areas of global pollution. Our well-being, as well as that of every living thing that inhabits this planet, cannot ignore the vitality of the sea and the serious problems it suffers on a daily basis, as we depend on the balance it provides. The problems described above are just the tip of the iceberg of all the obstacles facing the ocean. The question we need to ask ourselves is, Are we in time to take action on this?

What are the problems in the ocean?

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What are the problems in the ocean?


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