The reason for this tradition in Xcaret


A tradition of the Riviera Maya

The Sacred Mayan Crossing returns

The history of the Sacred Mayan Crossing started 16 years ago. It arose as an idea to rescue a millennial tradition relevant to Mayan culture, and for that time was just a memory. It had been 5 centuries since the brave canoeists sailed the sea from the beaches of the ancient Mayan city of Polé to what we know today as Cozumel.

Rescuing this tradition ceased to be an idea to become a project that would take a lot of effort, research and study. Will it be possible to cross to Cozumel from Xcaret? What will be the navigation route? The answers to these and other questions were intervening according to the crossing taking shape.

Rescue of Mayan Traditions

The location of the Mayan port of Polé, now Xcaret, allowed several coastal towns such as Xaman-Ha, Xcalacoco, and Akumal to depart for Cozumel Island, following a very important trade route. This route was responsible for the great growth and prosperity of the Mayan peoples of Quintana Roo at that time.

The importance of this route was vital for the inhabitants of the coast of Quintana Roo and this was represented by the cross that the canoeists made every year to visit the temple of the Goddess Ixchel to give thanks for the favors received or to ask for her grace.

The Sacred Mayan Crossing

After the Spanish conquest, this sacred celebration was suppressed and remained only as another date of the Mayan culture of Quintana Roo.

It is against this background that in 2006 it was decided and planned the rescue of the Sacred Mayan Crossing as an effort to preserve the historical heritage of the ancient port of Polé thus preserving this history for later generations.

The forerunners of this wonderful project were Carlos Serrano, who is a researcher and historian of Grupo Xcaret, Hugo Rojas who in addition to acting as the director of the first Sacred Mayan Crossing is also a researcher, as well as the Architect Miguel Quintana Pali.


Link with the local community

The Travesía Sagrada Maya would not be the same without the participation of local communication. Over the years, it has established itself as an event in which the population has found a way to rescue its origins, learn from its history, face its problems or even take steps with situations that represent a great challenge. in its origin. life.

The Sacred Mayan Crossing

Thanks to the involvement of the local community a brotherhood has been born that is palpable in each one of the editions of this event. One of the most notorious groups has been our canoeists, who, despite the long pause of the pandemic, have never stopped training and preparing for their return to the sea.

This sense of belonging that was born with the Sacred Mayan Crossing has led countless people to change their place of residence for the sole purpose of being part of the canoeists and living the cross, thus adding to the warrior spirit of each edition.

The Sacred Mayan Crossing

On the dance side we have children, women and the elderly rehearsing in different parts of the state to represent the ancient customs with which the Mayan population living in Polé fired the canoeists at dawn.

The Sacred Mayan Crossing

He said he should count more than 500 people involved in the artistic aspect of each crossing. Each one of them putting the heart to the assigned task and managing to be part of a great production that leaves to surprise all the assistants. From the beginning of the Sacred Mayan Crossing to date we have had the participation of 4459 people.

Certainly, this celebration would not be the same without the participation of the local community.

One more reason to visit Xcaret

At Grupo Xcaret we are clear that all efforts must be directed and focused on the common good, always thinking of the three countries that govern our model of Sustainability:

  • Prosperity
  • person
  • planet

The Xcaret Park has become a window to live better in Mexico, thanks to the efforts to preserve its culture and share with each of the travelers who visit us every year.

The Travesía Sagrada Maya is another reason to visit us and another proof of our mission as the Xcaret Group: “We make the planet happy by spreading our great love for Mexico.”

The aspects mentioned above in this blog are directed and focused on our pillar of people, through the well-being of the community that is involved in the Sacred Mayan Crossing and with the conservation of our cultural heritage.

And this is the raison d’être of the Sacred Mayan Crossing.


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