rehabilitation and rescue in Xcaret


Get to know the work of the Médico Veterinari team in Grup Xcaret

Leading animal care center in the region

There is more than 390 species of primates in the world, of which 114 were classified as in endangered for the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN); among them are the monkey spider (Ateles geofroyi) y saraguato (Lazy Alouatta), that you will be able to know during your visit to Xcaret following the black way through the paths of the jungle.

To share a little more about the work of conservation, rehabilitation and rescue that we carry out our team, we talk with Ana Cecilia Negrete, Veterinarian in Grupo Xcaret with 18 years of experience and in charge of the area of ​​mammals and reptiles. He is currently focusing on two very special baby monkey spiders, which came under his care under unusual circumstances. Learn more about this story and the protection of the spider monkey.

The rescue

Surely during your visit to Xcaret admire the regional fauna and our areas dedicated to the protection of different species; while some specimens are part of environmental education, reproduction or reintegration programs, others Live wildly around us and although we do not care for them directly, we also look after their well-being. In this story we will tell about the rescue rescued as is the case of the two youngest monkeys now in the park.

You may also be interested in: Actions taken by Grupo Xcaret for the fauna of the region

The first, was found an orphan with just one day of birth in the planters of the Hotel Xcaret Mexico. Ana tells us that her mother may have fallen during childbirth or that her mother may have abandoned her because she considered him unfit for survival or that even the dominant males tend to throw the young to the ground to force the females to conceive. yours.

The second offspring was not initially orphaned. Monkeys have a social structure where there is a male dominating a troop and it is common to be attacked by different troops or to take control of them, in this case, male monkeys were attacking a mother with her cub and l Xcaret ‘s technical team attended to both. The mother had uncoordinated movements and fell to the floor. The initial plan was to rehabilitate the mother and reintroduce her along with her offspring, but the mother was badly injured and did not survive the surgery. So the 2-3 month old baby who was breastfeeding was cared for.

The life expectancy of a monkey is 30 years under human care. They tend to live longer than in the wild.

What would have happened without the assistance of the team?
This little one received the result of Finderaba completely vulnerable to predators and other threats, because their chances of survival were almost nil. Grupo Xcaret’s intervention gave them a new opportunity and a new troop.

Also read: Everything you need to know about Animal Welfare in Grupo Xcaret

Learning to be a monkey

What is the imprint?

Imprinting is a natural process based on the identification of a species with its own species. A monkey does not know that a monkey is born until it coexists with others.

One of the main goals of the team is to be able to develop in them typical behaviors of the species. The female brood, having spent more time with her mother, arrived with an imprint and displayed monkey behaviors in free life immediately.

The case of the male has been completely different. As he arrived on the day of his birth at the Xcaret facility, he imposed himself on the person who cared for him as if he were his mother, this happened to Ana Negrete who told him the care needed to survive and encourage development. of current behaviors, with 1 year 5 months, this almost ready to be introduced to his new troops on Isla del Mono Araña, which with the help of the other baby that is there, will be his new home.

There are hierarchies within the monkey troops. In the case of Isla del Mono Araña, the role of the alpha is played by the most mature monkey (15 years old). Ana shares that she is a key player in the integration of the new members, she can be responsible for including them in the family.

As we observe the interaction between the specimen and Ana, it is very clear that she has taken on the role of her mother: the female explores the environment, but if Ana moves, she follows her. He attends to her calls and seeks refuge in her. Creating links is part of their nature and among the Conservation Technicians is the expected result of daily coexistence and the fact of trying every day for their well-being.

It is important that they develop the behaviors of the species so it needs an expert and knowledgeable team on the subject and inhabiting the specimen in its new habitat.

Why can’t all specimens be reintroduced into the wild?

As I mentioned, the initial idea was to reintegrate the injured mother with her offspring, but when the mother died and she was breastfeeding, the chances of survival on their own were low. It is not possible to return these two little ones to their natural habitat because the troops would reject them by not smelling the family group. They could end up abandoned again or even killed. Monkeys are not solitary creatures, socialization (like humans) is vital to their development and survival.

The alternative to reintroduction, it create a new troop. In this process you can control their adaptation to the environment and have more control over certain factors such as their interaction with other specimens and medical control.

Xcaret as the leading animal care center in the region

We cover the main areas of the Department of Conservation:

Our first stop was the kitchen. In this impeccable place the diet of all the fauna of Xcaret. In the background, pasted in the manner of ordering in a restaurant, are the nutritional requirements of each specimen and their particular diets, generated by specialized nutritionists. This is not the only resemblance found in “human” consumption centers, the Xcaret specimens are not fed with leftover food in poor condition. The standards are high and they consume products that could be found in your local supermarket.

In an orderly way, they start stacking boxes and boxes with fresh food: lettuce for manatees, chopped fruit for macaws, etc.

Once inside the clinic, we are very surprised by all the cutting-edge equipment they have. Clinical laboratories for analyzing samples, specialized X-ray equipment (capable of being transported to more complex habitats such as manatees), ultrasound equipment, always stocked pharmacy, breeding areas with incubator, artificial breeding room. And the incubator list. Periodic checks are carried out on all the fauna as part of the preventive medicine plan and commitment to animal health.

In addition to state-of-the-art specialized equipment, it has experts in animal behavior and veterinarians with a long history, such as Ana Cecilia Negrete. This makes Xcaret the most complete and prepared animal care center in the region. This helps other institutions to fulfill their animal conservation mission. All processes are attached to the guidelines of the Federal Attorney General’s Office for Environmental Protection of Mexico (PROFEPA).

¡No to mascotism!

Monkeys are a social species, it is within their nature to create bonds, so many times it is thought that having them as a “pet” is a good idea, this refers to mascotism. We must remember that a wild copy is always going to be wild and primates can exhibit aggressive behaviors when they are driven to have hormonal influences.

Mascotism perpetuates the species trafficking, which according to the digital portal of El Universal (2019), is the third most profitable business in the world Did you know that at least 5 members of the troop are killed to capture a cub? A more common case is the parrots. It is estimated that for every one of them who reaches a family, 100 may have died in the process (capture, transportation, etc.). Don’t buy wild animals. Not generating demand is the best way to close the door on this business.

What to do if you know of a pet case?

All reports of possession of wildlife or injured specimens are addressed by the PROFEPA (Federal Attorney’s Office for Environmental Protection). If there is no injury and you have a wildlife sighting, we recommend that you keep your distance and not try to interact with them.

monkey spider in xcaret

Why shouldn’t you feed wildlife?

Every living thing has a function in the ecosystem. We have, to name a few, pollinators and dispersers. When we feed the wildlife, they get used to getting their food effortlessly and changing the ecological dynamics, in addition to its natural diet. We often see free-ranging animals found in some urban areas for easy access to food. If we want to have free specimens that meet their niche, we avoid feeding them.

It is well known that we share many characteristics and behaviors with monkeys, so we invite you to empathize with the preservation of their species in it. # WorldMoneyDay. No primate should be a victim of pet abuse, help curb this practice by sharing our Xcaret Blog with more people.

Next time you visit Xcaret, take a look around Spider Monkey Island, where you can learn more about these specimens and summarize our environmental education mission.

Special thanks to the Veterinarian Ana Cecilia Negrete, who opened the doors of the Xcaret clinic to us, introduced us to his troop question and made us aware of the important work of protecting the spider monkey and animal welfare that he carried out every day as a team.

Share this Xcaret blog to raise awareness about mascotism and the protection of the spider monkey.

Spider monkey protection: rehabilitation and rescue in Xcaret

Read about our work with red macaws: Going Home: Xcaret Red Macaw Conservation Program


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