How do we contribute to wildlife conservation?
And how can you support yourself?
One of the most important actions for the Xcaret Group is the conservation of species, among its most successful and popular programs are the Red Macaw Conservation Program of the Sea Turtle Hospital in Xcaret and all the programs of reproduction that we have the species under our care.
However, our actions will not end there. If you have visited any of our parks, hotels or tours you will have noticed that they are home to many species of wildlife, some of the most popular are the coatíes, raccoons, tzereques, deer, iguanas, various birds and even spider monkeys.
These species are important in the conservation of the ecosystem as each of them plays an important role and in the Xcaret Group we take care of biodiversity in many ways:
1.- Type “wildlife steps” for the safe transit of spider monkeys.
We know that there are troops of spider monkeys around us and in conjunction with other institutions, we monitor how they are distributed in the area, movement and behavior and install wildlife passages (or bridges) for their crossing inside and outside ours.

2.- Bird monitoring
We have developed a Bird Monitoring Program which allows us to have knowledge of the species and specimens that live in our environment, this information allows us to know the current health of our ecosystem, as well as implement actions for care.
Read more: Everything you need to know about bird conservation in Xcaret
3.- Monitoring of fish and pink snail in Xel-Há
Through our Xel-Há Pink Snail Pieces and Monitoring Program, we can learn about, record and care for marine wildlife, their increase or decrease, and especially, follow the trajectory of the pink snail, because the cove is a system. open.

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4.- Rehabilitation of turtle marinas
We have the Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Program, due to the fact that Xcaret Park has one of the best marinas in the Turtle Hospitals, where we receive all these species that are injured or stranded on the beaches of the Rivera Maya . , and once they are rehabilitated they return to the sea.

Learn more ways to help turtles: 7 actions to help sea turtles from home
5.- Attention to species through PROFEPA
We also support the authorities of the media of PROFEPA when there are injured organisms of fauna of the region like monkeys spiders, birds, jaguars, deer or some small mammal, which are taken care of in our facilities on their return to the natural habitat.
6.- Monitoring of large mammals
The Program of monitoring of great mammals, is realized by means of cameras traps, which allows us to register fauna like cougars, jaguars or tapirs; allowing us to identify them and monitor their trajectory.

7.- Environmental education programs for collaborators
For several years, the Conservation Area of the Xcaret Group has implemented a program in which, through workshops, interactive activities and information disseminated through internal communication channels, employees can learn about the flora and fauna of the region.
In this way, all those who work in the parks are able to provide adequate information to visitors about the importance of conservation of the species that live in them.
Read more: What is sustainability and how can I apply it to my daily life?
8.- Creation of content on species conservation
As well as this article, for the Xcaret Group, the conservation of the fauna is one of the most important communication pillars in its content plans. You’ve probably seen animal-related information on our social media, videos, blogs, and websites.
You can see all our related articles here: Xcaret Blog – Environment
We do this with the intention that more and more readers, whether visitors to our parks, hotels and tours or not, may be interested and informed through reliable sources about the importance of the conservation of these species, as well as tips for them. themselves.
These programs allow us to indirectly care for the species that live in the vicinity of our parks and you can contribute to it.
Three very simple ways you can support the conservation of wildlife if you come across one while passing:
- Don’t feed them, our food can be harmful to them.
- If you’re going to take a picture of them, don’t flash them.
- Avoid touching them or getting too close.

Help us to continue to take care of the fauna of the region, share this article and questions, what other action do you take for its protection?

Communicator that I would like to travel in style, take pictures and be surrounded by nature. Blogging has become a part of your lifestyle.
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