Did you know that Xel-Há does a green triathlon?


A sporting event at the Xel-Ha park?

How? How much? Because? Here we tell you everything.

Let’s start by introducing you to Xel-Há, in case you don’t already know about this Mexican Natural Wonder.

In this beautiful part of the Riviera Maya called Tulumthere is a natural park that is more than 20 years old and is a favorite of tourists in Mexico and the world.

This park is called Xel-Há and its main attraction is a huge cove that connects the Caribbean Sea with an underground river and freshwater cenotes that are part of the Sac Aktun system (white cave) it is one of the cave systems that discharge fresh water to the sea in the Yucatan Peninsula. That is why, since the time of the ancient Mayans, the name Xel-Ha was given to this place, which means “where water is born”.

In addition to this beautiful set of coves, lagoons, cenotes and caves, in Xel-Há there are 70 hectares of land, of which approximately 60 are an ecological reserve made up of a low forest and mangroves where more than 100 species of species and around 230 plants, flowers and trees.

You can read more about Xel-Há in these articles:
How to get to Xel-Há? Map and transport options
The 15 most frequently asked questions before visiting Xel-Há
25 Reasons to visit Xel-Há

This beautiful place, in addition to being an ideal space to enjoy as a natural and adventure park, is also the perfect setting for an event like the Xel-Há Triathlon.

The raison d’être of the Triathlon in Xel-Há

In short, it could be said that it was created as a reason for celebrate the birthday of the park in a very fun and original way. Xcaret Group obtained the concession to be able to open the Xel-Há park on November 16, and after 15 years of having operated it with a sustainable vision and with great success, the triathlon is being developed for the first time.

In addition to celebrating the anniversary of Xel-Há, the most important intention of this event was and still is to promote the sport in Quintana Roo. Although nowadays there are more and more sporting events in this area of ​​Mexico, this was not the case before and it was a great step to grow the sports culture in our community.

Here we leave you some much appreciated memories of the First Xel-Há Triathlon in 2009.

Yes ste bien, a sporting event at the Xel-Ha park.  Discover the raison d'être of this green triathlon that has been held since 2009 in Tulum.

Xel-Há has celebrated its birthday like this for several years, with the exception of the break it took due to a pandemic in 2020 and 2021, but this year it is going to resume the party with great excitement and will celebrate the tenth second edition of the event and for the seventh year, it will be the official site of National Triathlon Championship.

To this day, this park has had the honor of receiving thousands of triathletes of different categories to live the experience of dedication, overcoming and discipline and crossing the finish line of one of the most beautiful triathlons in Mexico.

Now yes, everything you need to know if you want to participate in a Xel-Há Triathlon

You are a triathlete and you have a list of those who sign up directly to a new website and read to do it with your country’s call. The date on which this sporting event will be held in Tulum will be 19 and 20 November 2022.

As in all previous years, the categories that go to a child competitor:

  • elite
  • relays
  • olympic
  • sprint
  • Children’s
  • newbies only

You can see all the details about ages and distances for each category here: https://www.triatlonxelha.com/es/categorias/

Registrations will be open during August, here you can find all the details of the call if you are interested in participating: https://www.triatlonxelha.com/es/convokatoria/

Do you remember that we told you that the Xel-Ha Triathlon is the favorite of nature lovers?

This is real and not only because the athletes have the opportunity to swim, run and compete by bike in a Natural Wonder full of life, but because all the proceeds from the registration fees of the Xel-Há Triathlon areand fully donates to species conservation programs in Flora, Fauna and Culture of Mexico AC This is why it is a sporting event known as the “Green Triathlon”.

Inside Xel-Há Park there is a beach protected by a turtle camp where thousands of turtles come to nest during the May-October season every year. It’s a very noble and very heavy job that the turtle hunters and volunteers do to help preserve this species so important to our ecosystems.

You can learn more about these programs here: Marine Tortugas Conservation Program

Spread the word and share this blog with sportsmen who love nature because this event is definitely for them.

Lee said other events not happening in Playa del Carmen: Annual events held at Xcaret parks


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